Friday 1 March 2013

Gita Jayanthi And World Yoga Day Celebrations

Sri Madhwa Yogashrama at Chennai conducted Gita Jayanthi Celebrations in January and World Yoga Day Celebrations in February 2013. Gita Homa was performed by Malagi Gururaj and Narayan Acharyas of Pejawar Mutt on Gita Jayanthi. Both the events were marked by exhibition of very advanced postures in Yogasana, Competitions were held in Yogasana, Drawing, Sloka, Gita Chanting, and Bharatha Natya mainly for children of all age groups. 

Yoga competition was open to all the age groups, where a lady of 71 years attracted and motivated all with her yoga asana expertise which may not be possible for many youngsters. Evening program was marked by mellifluous Kirtan by Yoga Guruji with his Kirtan group. Prizes with trophies, certificate and medals were distributed. Interested persons can call 9884730721or log on to

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