Wednesday 29 February 2012

Risso's Dolphin Washed Ashore At Besant Nagar Beach

Tree  Foundation received information regarding a dead dolphin near Odai Kuppam  village at Besant Nagar. The information was provided by Akila of  Students Sea Turtle Conservation Network (SSTCN), when she noticed a large dolphin carcass near the shore when they were on their regular turtle walk routine, last night. 

Tree Foundation Marine Mammal Stranding team including Dr. Supraja Dharini, Chairperson, Rahul Muralidharan, Conservation Coordinator, Preta Ann, Educational and outreach incharge, Kritika,  volunteer of rescue and rehabilitation center reached the spot. The dolphin was identified to be Male Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus). 

The dolphin washed ashore was a Risso’s dolphin as it had all the most striking identifications  of a Risso’s Dolphin the furrow on the head and stubby snout. Risso’s Dolphin has a distinctive beakless head shape and a body that is noticeably more robust in the front half than in the back. The melon is broad, squarish in  profile, and creased in front by a characteristic longitudinal furrow like the furrow on the elephants forehead. 

They are normally found in the deep ocean. Initial observations denoted that the dolphins’ carcass highly decomposed and the tail region had been severely damaged. Tree Foundation’s team noticed ropes which were tied around the dolphins’ tail which could have possibly been a gill net or rope which was used to drag the dolphin and dump it into the sea. The dolphin was 234cm( nearly 7 feet ) in  length and would approximately weigh around 300 kgs. 

A big hole was noticed on the flipper which seems to be like a spear hole. The specimen had 4 pairs of teeth in the lower jaw and intestines were detached from the stomach. The  measurements and  injuries were recorded and buried with the help of the fishermen relatives of the Tree Foundation’s Sea Turtle Protection Force. 

TREE Foundation has been recording unusual number of cetacean (dolphins, whales and porpoises) stranding especially during this month of February, 2012 based on the study of stranding over the years. This is the 6th Dolphin stranding in the past 2 months along Chennai coast.

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