Monday 9 May 2011

Chennai Corporation Traditional Paintings

The Chennai Corporation is painting traditions and cultures of Tamil Nadu State on the road side walls of important road in the city. Some of the road which have been well painted by the Chennai Corporation is Mount Road stretch near Nandanam, Saidapet, Sardar Patel Road, Napier Bridge Road, Cathedral Road etc.

According to the Chennai Corporation official sources all the art wall are done based on four themes. Heritage places of TamilNadu is one theme, the important structures, historical buildings is another theme and the third theme is some historical depiction of how the society has evolved, like dance forms and cultural forms.

The fourth theme is to break the monotony. The Chennai Corporation has imposed a ban on all posters and graffiti on public walls in an effort to make Chennai look like a world class city. So colourful wall art is in and graffiti is out.

The State Highways Department has started painting walls with colourful images as part of the beautification of buildings and roads under its control in Chennai and its suburbs. Officials of the Highways Department said the painting work on the walls was intended to discourage graffiti and pasting of posters.

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