Sunday 10 March 2013

Will Metro Solve Traffic Jams!!

The reduced lane space along Anna Nagar Second Avenue between Thirumangalam and Blue Star junction causes frequent traffic jam. Motorists plying on Anna Nagar Second Avenue complain that the stretches along 12th and 13th Main Road have become narrower due to Metro Rail underground station construction work.The narrow space causes traffic snarls during peak hours. 

The road is too narrow and traffic jam is a daily ordeal here, particularly during morning and evening hours. As there is no space for overtaking, vehicles piles up whenever a heavy vehicle goes on the road or a MTC bus stops at the bus stop. 

The one-way Anna Nagar Second Avenue stretch from Thirumangalam and Roundtana signal junction has now become highly accident prone. Even crossing the road during peak hours is a big risk for pedestrians.

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