Monday 5 November 2012

State Level Training Programme For School Teachers

Food safety is an important issue at the National level. When the quality of foods sold and consumed by the general public is of poor standard, it leads to a strong deterioration in the health conditions of the public. Hence it is necessary to sensitize the consumer about the quality of food. 

The inauguration function for a four day training programme on ‘Role of Chemistry in Food Safety’ was held on November 5th 2012 at Stella Maris College. The programme is aimed at educating school teachers, who will act as change agents, about the different aspects of food safety. The training programme will focus on enlightening the teachers about the Nutritional aspects, Food and Health, Food and Water Analysis, Food Microbiology, Food toxicology, Food laws, Food adulterants and their Health hazards, Food additives, Tips to consumers for buying safe food and about food guide. The participants will be given hands on training experience in a laboratory in detection of food adulterants. 

The programme was inaugurated by Mr.Srinivasan, Scientific Officer, Tamil Nadu Science and Technology Centre.The programme is attended by about 40 teachers from all over the State and is coordinated by Dr.Geetha Swaminathan, Associate Professor and Dr.Mary George, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, Stella Maris College. 

The training programs will help school teachers to work on Food Safety as Science club activity and work towards healthy future. The programme will highlight the “Role of Chemistry in Food Safety” and the scientific aspects of Food analysis.

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