Friday 31 August 2012

Animal Friendly Services By Madras S.P.C.A.

It is reported that during the year 1877, a band of Englishmen devoted to the cause of animal welfare, laid the foundations firmly for Madras SPCA, which has been in existence for more than a century. S.P.C.A is one of the premier Animal Welfare Organizations established in the country. 

From its inception, a unique dynamism marked the activities of the Society and his Grace, the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, the then Governor of Madras Presidency, was the first Patron of the Society and Rev. Gell, the Lord Bishop of Madras was its first President. 

The Madras Veterinary College was started in 1904 near the Society’s premises, so that the students could take advantage of the Society’s Hospital. Later the Hospital and all its equipments were handed over to Government and thus the Madras Veterinary College Came into existence in its location. 

The first ambulance for sick and infirm animals was put on roads in 1892. During 1964, the Society opened a Dogs' Hostel. These kennels serve as homes for dogs during the absence of their masters from the city. 

They also serve as recuperation kennels for stray dogs, which undergo Birth Control operations. The Society maintains one ambulance vehicle for the transport of sick and wounded animals. 

A free veterinary clinic functions all days in the week during specified timings to attend to the needs of sick and firm animals at the S.P.C.A. premises located along Vepery High Road,Chennai-7.The treatment is done free of charges. For more information

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