The State of Tamil Nadu is all set to introduce Pentavalant Vaccine as part of the Universal Immunisation Programme. The roll out of Pentavalant Vaccine ,which acts against Haemophilius Infuenza Type B ( Hib) infection will be introduced in the national immunisation schedule for infants in all the districts of Tamil Nadu.
The National Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation in 2008 had recommended that Hib vaccine reduces the high child mortality due to Hib meningitis and pneumonia. The vaccination programme aims to save lives of 72000 children in the country and prevent suffering amongst lakhs. Smt. Girija Vaidyanathan, IAS, Principal Secretary, Health and Family Welfare, Government of Tamil Nadu said, “We are confident that this vaccination programme will not only prove beneficial for Tamil Nadu but for the country as well. I believe that this is going to be a boon for lakhs of children in the state”.
Speaking on the importance of conducting the media engagement programme Dr Satish Gupta, Health Specialist, UNICEF said “The program is expected to improve the awareness, response and penetration of the Pentavalent Vaccination Programme throughout the state including the most remote areas through an effective network of informed journalists.
President Indian Academy of Paediatrics (IAP), Tamil Nadu chapter, Dr. Sivapraksham, said ” Over the last eight years, I have seen steady reduction of pneumonia cases after introduction of the pentavalent vaccine in the private sector.”
The workshop was facilitated by officials and experts from the Government of Tamil Nadu, UNICEF and WHO.
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