Leo Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Anna Nagar conducted the 10th Mathialagan Memorial Tournament in memory of their Director, late Mr. G. Mathialagan on the 18th & 19th August, 2011. The main purpose of the tournament is to promote goodwill and a healthy relationship among schools and the student community.
The first match was inaugurated by Dr. G. Velmurugan, Executive Secretary and the second day by Mr.V.G. Jayaraman, General Secretary of Leo MHSS. Leo School boys were the winners of the Kabbadi and Football matches and the runners of the throw ball event for girls and basket ball for boys.
Spartan School bagged the throw ball title conducted for the staff. Around 38 teams from 20 schools such as SBOA, Velammal, Lady Andal, DAV, Chennai Public School, Green Valley, etc. participated in various events such as throw ball, football, kabbadi, basket ball and shuttle badminton.
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