Saturday 30 April 2011

Prayer For Miraculous Healing

Lord Jesus/according to Your Divine plan! may your pure healthy Body and Blood /given to us in the Eucharist/heal and transform our weak, ailing organism / and fill us with a new vigorous life/above all with health of mind and body/that we may be filled with your divine life.
O Merciful Lord/ Infinite Goodness / we implore your mercy/your compassion/your loveon all /mankind/as we adore your most loving Heart of Mercy.

Gracious Lord/Listen to the Supplications of your children/as You are aware of our  misery and nothingness. / Shower on us / and on all our dear and near ones / the abundance of Your miraculous healing power/Touch us with your infinite mercy/so that we may faithfully accomplish / Your holy will/all throughout our life/especially at the moment of our death

we offer ourselves / and all our actions of this day / as a reparation for the sins / committed throughout the whole world. Amen.

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