Thursday 7 April 2011

Interesting Planetarium Programme

The Tamil Nadu Science and Technology Center has launched a new planetarium programme at the Chennai Birla Planetarium in Kotturpuram. The new show is very interesting. It explains details about astrology, planets etc. The B.M.Birla Planetarium boasts of a modern fully computerized planetarium that is of special interest to students and public.

The sky show projector brings to life the skies and heavenly bodies on a hemispherical dome. The planetarium conducts sky shows everyday at different timings in different languages.

The shows include the Solar System, sky and seasons, eclipses, Man on Moon, comets, shooting meteoroids, stellar cycle and the deep sky. 

The shows are conducted in English and Tamil. For details and more information contact the planetarium and the Science and Technology Centre on 24410025.

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