Sunday 26 August 2018

Velammal Students On A Weather Trip

Students of class VII of Velammal Main School, Mogappair campus, gathered a new experience beyond the campus by visiting the Regional Meteorological Department at Numgambakkam on 21.08.18. The students were taken to the observatory laboratory and made to visualize the storm warning panel. 

The Director Mr. Balachander and his team vividly explained the weather forecast from the satellite through radar and sensor. The students discussed about the weather forecast, the impact of climatic changes and wet bulb thermometer.
They also witnessed the working of the rain gauge and radar working system. The highlight of the day was learning how to predict rain and storm. The students had an interaction with the team and were thrilled on knowing the facts about recent calamities. On the whole, the children enjoyed by experiencing the devices and learnt everything practically.

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