A traffic awareness campaign for a safe and accident free driving was conducted by volunteers of Thozhan at various traffic signal junctions on Sunday, 30th November 2014. At the ICF signal junction, a group of Thozhan volunteers started their safety awareness mission with a oath taking and getting valuable instructions and guidance from the traffic policemen.
The volunteers divided into groups stood at different corners of the ICF signal junction. When vehicles stopped at the signal, Thozhan volunteers displayed Road safety awareness banners and gave friendly advice to the motorists like stopping before the stop line, wearing helmets and seat bealts. Black stickers was also pasted on the vehicle headlights by Thozhan volunteers.
Pamphlets were given to the motorists. Thozhan volunteers had conducted traffic safety campaigns at Anna Arch signal, Tiruvanmiyur Signal, T.Nagar Signal and Adyar LB Road signal junction. The mission of Thozhan is aimed in making Chennai city roads accident free and safe
- By Elwyn
The Safe Driving Campaign is a state-wide effort to reduce the number of traffic accidents and fatalities on Massachusetts roads.