Thursday 1 November 2012

Training Programme On "Mushroom Cultivation"

Mushrooms are a good source of B vitamins, such as riboflavin, niacin and pantothenic acid, and the essential minerals, selenium, copper and potassium. Mushrooms are useful food in modern diet. They are often prescribed by dieticians and doctors in obesity, heart problems
and diabetes.

An advantageof mushroom growing is that it can be grown in rooms which require small area and hence huge investment in land is not required. Mushroom takes less time for production and its yield per unit area is highest of all crops.

Thus, mushroom growing is a profitable venture. Calorific value of mushrooms is quite low therefore it can be
recommended as a slimming diet. A one day training programme on "Mushroom Cultivation" will be conducted at the Tamil Nadu Agricul- Training Programme on "Mushroom Cultivation" tural University Information and Training Centre, on Friday 02.11.2012 between 9.30 am to 4.30 pm.

The programme will be useful to house wives, farmers, youths, SHG, NGO’s and students etc. Training certificates, lunch, notes will be issued to all participants. Interested persons can contact Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Information and Training Centre, No.U-30, 10th Street, Anna Nagar or call 044 -2626 3484.

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