Wednesday 5 September 2012

Teacher’s Day At A School Through Flip Day!

Teachers mould and shape a child’s personality and it is important to recognize the large role they play. They can ignite a child’s imagination or identify potential in a particular field; in fact they add value to every student’s life in a million ways.

 A-School believes in providing many new vistas for children to display their talents, the Flip Day Friday initiative has come at an opportune time and age.

 A little background would help us understand the importance of Flip Day, so that we do not dismiss it as just another new thing, but put in our best effort in helping the child understand concepts. 

Creativity was unleashed in good measure, vivid pictures were painted by the little champions; it created new worlds, expanded the horizons of thought and challenged us as parents to help the school in really flipping the coin in favor of Flip Day Friday.

It is our constant endeavour at a school to challenge our children to do better with each initiative and Program. We believe, children have to be provided the right opportunities to exhibit their talent and creativity, at all times. Best Wishes from A-School to all the wonderful Teachers who play a significant role for every child in School! 

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