Monday 27 February 2012

Uncovered Manhole At 13th Main Road

The open manhole at 13th Main Road needs to be closed as it is a big threat to the road users. Open manhole are posing serious threats to pedestrians. Moreover, after sunset, citizens are at risk of falling into open manhole. 

The manhole is also not visible at night time. Aged people, young children and ladies walk on this road. The residents said that open manhole on13th Main was dangerous for both the commuters and the vehicles. 

The residents request the concerned authorities to pay due attention to the matter and close open manholes. Open manholes are causing serious problems for the residents. 

The uncovered manholes also cause accidents as vehicles get trapped and damaged in these open manholes. Let the concerned authorities take steps to close the manhole with a lid and make the area safe for pedestrians and motorists.

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