Sunday 22 May 2011

Difficult Turning Along 3rd Avenue Road

As many of the median gaps have been blocked along Third Main Road in Anna Nagar East many vehicles are finding it difficult to make U-turns along the Third Avenue road stretch from round tana till New Avadi road. The median gaps were closed along Anna Nagar Third  Avenue road to ensure smooth flow of traffic and to prevent criss-crossing of vehicle on  the roads. 

But this in turn has made it difficult for the motorists to make U-turns and it also causes inconvenience to the pedestrians who wasn’t to cross the road. As part of the measures to reduce the rate of accidents and to improve traffic flow on the arterial road, gaps  between the medians are closed.  Many pedestrians are seen jumping over the median to make  their way to the other side of the road. 

Traffic is always heavy along the Anna Nagar Avenue roads. Haphazard parking of vehicles by customers adds to confusion at the congested junction. It is a risky experience for pedestrians to cross the road.

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