Saturday 30 April 2011

May Day- A Day Dedicated To Workers

Labour Day also known as a day of workers. Labour Day is dedicated to workers and employers for their big contribution in economic and social areas. By the efforts of Labour Union Movement, an annual holiday is celebrated in all over the world. 

On the Labour Day many programs are organized to increase the education and social status of workers or labours. May 1st is the day of ‘May day’ in so many countries. ‘May day’ is called ‘Labour Day’ in India. And ‘Labour day’ is also called “International Workers Day’. 

India celebrated the first Labour Day on May 1, 1927. Many Labour Unions are participated in this celebration with pageants in ‘Mayday’ all over India. India also celebrated as ‘Spring Wealth Feast’ for the goddess ‘Spring’. ‘Labour day’ is an official holiday in many countries all around the world. The Triumph of Labour Statue” was made by Sculptor Debi Prasad Roy Chowdhry.   

The statue’ depicts an inspiring posture of a team of workers  engrossed at an difficult work. This  statue was the first statue erected in Marina Beach. On 25th January 1959, the  statue of “Triumph of Labour”  made by  the Sculptor Mr.Devi Prasad Roy Chowdri was declared open by the then Honble Governor of Tamil Nadu Shri.Bishnuram Medhi in the presence of Mr.Kamarajar, the Honble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu.

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